A glimpse at the crazy, awesome life of the McAllister family. Glad you're here!
Wordless Wednesday--Stop and look around...

OK, so I love that my cousin Lance's wfe, Kristen, does "Wordless Wednesday", so I'm stealing it. It's right up my alley (yeah, right). Anyways, this little field is on my way to school each morning and one day I noticed how everything was just "popping" with color. So, I stopped the next day and took a picture..so much for being wordles, I'll do it better next time, I promise!
BTW-the colors are true-I did not edit this photo. Crazy, huh?
4th grade Sacramento Trip
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Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
Yes, it's true...I'm back from Sacramento with my class. Here's a fun little digital scrapbook for your viewing pleasure!
News on the forum front...
Well, life is pretty boring in my gigantic forum world I joined. I actually think it's TOO big. I posted a couple of things and responded to a couple of things, got a few responses, but overall, I was pretty bored with it. I guess if I had the time to log in every day and become "friends" with these people, it would have been better, but I had a hard remembering to go on, and then finding the time. And it really truly is like a sorority and I did not feel entirely welcome. They politely answered my questions and that's about it. O well. One experiment down, on to a new adventure!
On the positive side, the scrapoholic in me discovered a new site to look at fun scrapping things and possibly make a purchase or two. I get a weekly "deal" email from the site and they offer ALOT of stuff. Not that I need anything...see previous post..but one can always window or "web" shop, right? BTW-I'm almost done organizing the scrappin' joint (my new name for my bench)..it's turning out pretty nice! :) I'll try to post new pics this weekend (after my last technology class, which, by the way, is tomorrow and I haven't even STARTED the projects that are due tomorrow). Maybe I needed to find a procrastinators forum?!?!?!?!?
On the positive side, the scrapoholic in me discovered a new site to look at fun scrapping things and possibly make a purchase or two. I get a weekly "deal" email from the site and they offer ALOT of stuff. Not that I need anything...see previous post..but one can always window or "web" shop, right? BTW-I'm almost done organizing the scrappin' joint (my new name for my bench)..it's turning out pretty nice! :) I'll try to post new pics this weekend (after my last technology class, which, by the way, is tomorrow and I haven't even STARTED the projects that are due tomorrow). Maybe I needed to find a procrastinators forum?!?!?!?!?
Gettin a jump on Spring Cleaning
Hey all- well, today I actually scheduled a day for "scrapbook area clean-up". Take a look at these pics and you'll see why.....

Part of my issue is I am a total scrapoholic. I have admitted before that I had an illness and it has gotten totally out of hand. I cannot believe that I even have a desire to buy more stuff! The other issue is that this are also serves as my "office" space, it's where I store all of my school stuff, my personal things, and family paperwork. So, you can (hopefully) see how this small space can become crowded quickly, especially when you don't take the time to keep it up! So, that's where I stand right now. I've been working for about 2 hours now and this is what is looks like. (Believe it or not, it was actually worse when it started!) I'l be sure to post more pics when it is finished and beautiful once again! :)
P.S. Not much happening in the "forum" world. I posted a few things and haven't gotten any response. It is a very large forum and apparantly some of the people have been on there for years and they all know each other...it's kind of like trying to break into a high school clique right now. But, I'll keep plugging away and see where it gets me!

Part of my issue is I am a total scrapoholic. I have admitted before that I had an illness and it has gotten totally out of hand. I cannot believe that I even have a desire to buy more stuff! The other issue is that this are also serves as my "office" space, it's where I store all of my school stuff, my personal things, and family paperwork. So, you can (hopefully) see how this small space can become crowded quickly, especially when you don't take the time to keep it up! So, that's where I stand right now. I've been working for about 2 hours now and this is what is looks like. (Believe it or not, it was actually worse when it started!) I'l be sure to post more pics when it is finished and beautiful once again! :)
P.S. Not much happening in the "forum" world. I posted a few things and haven't gotten any response. It is a very large forum and apparantly some of the people have been on there for years and they all know each other...it's kind of like trying to break into a high school clique right now. But, I'll keep plugging away and see where it gets me!
Hello again! I mentioned in my last post that I joined a web forum called scrapbook.com, and boy did I get more than I bargained for! This website is not only a forum for discussion, it's a SUPER store (overwhelmingly huge), a discount spot, and a great place for tips and ideas. I logged in for a bit today and got a little overwhelmed with the offerings, in a good way. I particularly enjoyed one post called "each one, teach one", where one member posted all the links she could find to great tips for jsut about anything scrapbooking. There is something in there for everyone-all your questions answered. I loved it so much I made it one of my favorites. If you would like to see my "place", it's at www.scrapbook.com and my user name is "justaddyou", which happens to be the same name as my etsy shop. Anyways, i got a little excited and decided to blog about it, and now I'm signing off because I'm sick and I wanna go lay down. have a great weekend!
Back to School!
Ok, so I am back in school for next 9 weeks to "clear" my credential. I have to take two classes in order to renew it. They are mostly online and meet once a month in Azusa (woo hoo!) on Saturdays. I'm taking a computer class for teachers and a class on learning difficulties in students. They both seem pretty interesting. As part of my computer class, I had to join a forum of my choice, and start participating in discussions, then I have to blog about my experience. I joined "scrapbook.com" (of course) and starting posting today. It's pretty easy to navigate and I enjoy the discussions. It's going well so far. The good news is, most of the work is pretty easy and I'll be done on April 4th! Yippee!
25 things about me...
OK, so I was tagged on Facebook and decided to do this. But I realize that not all of you are "FB'ers", so I'm posting it here also. I'm not tagging anyone here, so you can do it if you want. If not, o well. Enjoy!
1. I was raised in a Christian home and grew up going to church. I had many "camp-high"experiences, but I have to say that I didn't really surrender my life to the Lord until late in High School. Kinda sad that I can't remember the date or year, but all I know is, I've been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. And that's enough for me.
2. I teach 4th grade at a private Christian school, which is something I swore I would NEVER do. Until this opportunity came along...and I love it.
3. I used to be a part of the "Young Americans", a touring singing and dancing group. Those two years (before marriage and kids) were the highlight of my young life. I loved everything about it.
4. I know how to run a light board for theatre. (something the YA's taught me)
5. I've performed in a dinner theatre in Boyne Highlands, in northern Michigan. The BEST summer of my life.
6. I've been to the Grand Hotel in Mackinaw Island where "Somewhere in Time" was filmed. We sipped lemonade on the long porch and overlooked Lake Michigan. Then we ran across the grass screaming "RICHARD" as loud as we could. Yes, also with the YA's.
7. I have had 2 REALLY serious love relationships in my life. One with a boy I thought for sure I would marry, and one with the MAN I am married to now. By far, the second was the best decision.
8. I have three children, a daughter who is almost 16 (yikes!), and two boys who are 13 and 12. I had them VERY young, but now I wouldn't change a thing. I love them all and I love our life.
9. My husband is a 6'5" black man....so don't mess with me or my kids. I like to call him "Big Poppi".
10. I am very close to my family. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers (one of whom, I'll admit, I'm not close to AT ALL). I have 7 nieces and nephews who are quite possibly my favorite kids to be around. **correction....I apparantly have 11 nieces and nephews...not my proudest day...
11. I have several close friends, one that I could not live a day without talking to, one that I've known since I was two years old, and most of them don't even live by me. I have two close friends from High School (both in AZ), and one from college (lives in Rancho Cucamonga). They're my girls, I love them, and I couldn't imagine life without them.
12. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE chocolate, mint, and caramel. Not all together, of course.
13. Favorite ice cream? Thrifty's Double Chocolate Malted....you can only get it at Rite Aid and I have been known to drive several miles out of my way to find a Rite Aid and get some.
14. I am a scrap-o-holic. Not in the always scrapbooking sort of way, but in a "I can't buy enough paper and supplies" kind of way. I have a workbench in the garage that is literally covered in scrapbooking stuff.
15. I am a non-project-finisher. I am famous for starting projects and not getting them done. I probably have 10 scrapbooking projects started that are on the bench (see #14) just waiting for to pick them. Can you hear the voices? "Pick me! Pick me!" They haunt me.
16. I love my bed. 'nuff said
17. Wow-25 things is hard. I can assembly ANYTHING. BBQ's, bikes, beds, keyboards, you name it. I like to think I'm pretty darn handy. Perhaps too handy, because my husband barely knows how to use a screwdriver. And he's okay with that, because he's got ME!
18. I've been married for 15 years this coming November. I cannot believe it's been that long. I also can't believe I have a high schooler...I don't feel old enough to have been out of high school that long. Any one else feel that way?
19. I can play the piano and sing. I used to sing and play more, but I don't have a piano now and my voice changed after having kids. Also, for some weird reason, I cry every time I sing. I've lost all control of my emotions. Weird.
20. I love to surround myself with people who make me laugh. I'm a pretty "UP" person, but it still makes my day to crack a joke or to laugh with friends. I'm a firm believer in "HUMOR: DON"T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT".
21. My husband and I have been through just about everything a marriage can go through. Without details, whatever you can think of, we've done it. It's been painful, it's been hard, but with the grace of God we've made it so far...and it really truly is like fine wine (although I hate wine)...it's getting better with time.
22. I am what I like to call a "Disorganized-Organized" person. If you look at my desk or my purse, you see chaos, but I can find ANYTHING you ask me to find. I know exactly where everything is in that tornado. And I'm darn proud of it.
23. I got in very little trouble in high school. There were a couple of events....I snuck out with a friend and stayed out all night and panicked horribly when it came time to come home. I was totally BUSTED. I also ditched on Senior Ditch day (against strict orders from my mom), forged the absent note, and got caught. Again, BUSTED. Come to think of it, everything I tried, I got BUSTED. Also, I tried just about every extracurricular activity there is in high school....colorguard, drama, softball, choir, MUN. You name it, I probably gave it a shot. I only stuck with choir and MUN though...and it was worth it.
24. I'm secretly addicted to Sodoku.
25. I love my family, my friends, and my God. What more is there to say?
1. I was raised in a Christian home and grew up going to church. I had many "camp-high"experiences, but I have to say that I didn't really surrender my life to the Lord until late in High School. Kinda sad that I can't remember the date or year, but all I know is, I've been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. And that's enough for me.
2. I teach 4th grade at a private Christian school, which is something I swore I would NEVER do. Until this opportunity came along...and I love it.
3. I used to be a part of the "Young Americans", a touring singing and dancing group. Those two years (before marriage and kids) were the highlight of my young life. I loved everything about it.
4. I know how to run a light board for theatre. (something the YA's taught me)
5. I've performed in a dinner theatre in Boyne Highlands, in northern Michigan. The BEST summer of my life.
6. I've been to the Grand Hotel in Mackinaw Island where "Somewhere in Time" was filmed. We sipped lemonade on the long porch and overlooked Lake Michigan. Then we ran across the grass screaming "RICHARD" as loud as we could. Yes, also with the YA's.
7. I have had 2 REALLY serious love relationships in my life. One with a boy I thought for sure I would marry, and one with the MAN I am married to now. By far, the second was the best decision.
8. I have three children, a daughter who is almost 16 (yikes!), and two boys who are 13 and 12. I had them VERY young, but now I wouldn't change a thing. I love them all and I love our life.
9. My husband is a 6'5" black man....so don't mess with me or my kids. I like to call him "Big Poppi".
10. I am very close to my family. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers (one of whom, I'll admit, I'm not close to AT ALL). I have 7 nieces and nephews who are quite possibly my favorite kids to be around. **correction....I apparantly have 11 nieces and nephews...not my proudest day...
11. I have several close friends, one that I could not live a day without talking to, one that I've known since I was two years old, and most of them don't even live by me. I have two close friends from High School (both in AZ), and one from college (lives in Rancho Cucamonga). They're my girls, I love them, and I couldn't imagine life without them.
12. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE chocolate, mint, and caramel. Not all together, of course.
13. Favorite ice cream? Thrifty's Double Chocolate Malted....you can only get it at Rite Aid and I have been known to drive several miles out of my way to find a Rite Aid and get some.
14. I am a scrap-o-holic. Not in the always scrapbooking sort of way, but in a "I can't buy enough paper and supplies" kind of way. I have a workbench in the garage that is literally covered in scrapbooking stuff.
15. I am a non-project-finisher. I am famous for starting projects and not getting them done. I probably have 10 scrapbooking projects started that are on the bench (see #14) just waiting for to pick them. Can you hear the voices? "Pick me! Pick me!" They haunt me.
16. I love my bed. 'nuff said
17. Wow-25 things is hard. I can assembly ANYTHING. BBQ's, bikes, beds, keyboards, you name it. I like to think I'm pretty darn handy. Perhaps too handy, because my husband barely knows how to use a screwdriver. And he's okay with that, because he's got ME!
18. I've been married for 15 years this coming November. I cannot believe it's been that long. I also can't believe I have a high schooler...I don't feel old enough to have been out of high school that long. Any one else feel that way?
19. I can play the piano and sing. I used to sing and play more, but I don't have a piano now and my voice changed after having kids. Also, for some weird reason, I cry every time I sing. I've lost all control of my emotions. Weird.
20. I love to surround myself with people who make me laugh. I'm a pretty "UP" person, but it still makes my day to crack a joke or to laugh with friends. I'm a firm believer in "HUMOR: DON"T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT".
21. My husband and I have been through just about everything a marriage can go through. Without details, whatever you can think of, we've done it. It's been painful, it's been hard, but with the grace of God we've made it so far...and it really truly is like fine wine (although I hate wine)...it's getting better with time.
22. I am what I like to call a "Disorganized-Organized" person. If you look at my desk or my purse, you see chaos, but I can find ANYTHING you ask me to find. I know exactly where everything is in that tornado. And I'm darn proud of it.
23. I got in very little trouble in high school. There were a couple of events....I snuck out with a friend and stayed out all night and panicked horribly when it came time to come home. I was totally BUSTED. I also ditched on Senior Ditch day (against strict orders from my mom), forged the absent note, and got caught. Again, BUSTED. Come to think of it, everything I tried, I got BUSTED. Also, I tried just about every extracurricular activity there is in high school....colorguard, drama, softball, choir, MUN. You name it, I probably gave it a shot. I only stuck with choir and MUN though...and it was worth it.
24. I'm secretly addicted to Sodoku.
25. I love my family, my friends, and my God. What more is there to say?
OK, so I'm a flake!
OK, ok. I get it. I'm a flake. I just logged in and saw that I haven't blogged since September. WOW! F-L-A-K-Y. So, in an effort to correct that, I'm setting a goal to post once a week. I think that's manageable.
If you can't tell, we've been VERY busy. School for some reason has taken over my life and I'm just now catching up and getting some of my life back. I rather like it!
Christmas was super fun-watch for a Christmas smilebox from me! Sean and Lindsey came down and we purposed to spend as much time with our parents as possible. So, we planned a "Cheney Family Olympics" down at the park for the day after Christmas. It was super fun. Sean and Linds planned 10 events for the whole family. We loved it! This was followed by a period of rest and lunch, then we went bowling. Afterwards, we went for pizza, then came home and crammed everyone into my mom's family room and watched the Grinch. It was a very long day, but very worth it. There's so much more to tell, but I'll leave it at---We had a great Christmas!
For New Year's Eve-we had the whole family over, plus the Brattons-that's a lot of people in our tiny little house. We made snowflakes, played Wii, BBQ'd and ate a lot, and kicked back with everyone. At Midnight, only the Bratton's were left, but we sure made a lot of noise! It was another super fun time and I LOVED having my family and friends over!
And now here we are, catching up, still cleaning, and I just put up my Valentine's decor! Am I crazy or what? Also, I signed up for Facebook. Now I'm spending whatever time I DON'T have searching for past friends in Facebook. Very addicting, I'm afraid.But, you should try it. It's fun finding people you haven't thought about for almost 20 years!
All in all, it's been a good past few months. The Lord is good and I'm so blessed-no matter how stressed I am. Watch for pics soon!
If you can't tell, we've been VERY busy. School for some reason has taken over my life and I'm just now catching up and getting some of my life back. I rather like it!
Christmas was super fun-watch for a Christmas smilebox from me! Sean and Lindsey came down and we purposed to spend as much time with our parents as possible. So, we planned a "Cheney Family Olympics" down at the park for the day after Christmas. It was super fun. Sean and Linds planned 10 events for the whole family. We loved it! This was followed by a period of rest and lunch, then we went bowling. Afterwards, we went for pizza, then came home and crammed everyone into my mom's family room and watched the Grinch. It was a very long day, but very worth it. There's so much more to tell, but I'll leave it at---We had a great Christmas!
For New Year's Eve-we had the whole family over, plus the Brattons-that's a lot of people in our tiny little house. We made snowflakes, played Wii, BBQ'd and ate a lot, and kicked back with everyone. At Midnight, only the Bratton's were left, but we sure made a lot of noise! It was another super fun time and I LOVED having my family and friends over!
And now here we are, catching up, still cleaning, and I just put up my Valentine's decor! Am I crazy or what? Also, I signed up for Facebook. Now I'm spending whatever time I DON'T have searching for past friends in Facebook. Very addicting, I'm afraid.But, you should try it. It's fun finding people you haven't thought about for almost 20 years!
All in all, it's been a good past few months. The Lord is good and I'm so blessed-no matter how stressed I am. Watch for pics soon!
Happy Birthday Donald and Oliver!
I just found these on my old camera and had fun making a smilebox with them. Enjoy!
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Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
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