and we have been through so much together-including scrapbooking adventures,
working concerts,

and teaching together this year-I can't imagine not seeing her everyday! My heart is very heavy this morning and I get dressed and packed-the kids and I are loading up and helping them move-I can't stop crying-I'm a mess. I'm sure it will go fine and we'll have a great couple of days together-but it won't be the same. I also know that she'll be back in 2 weeks and then again in May to have the baby, but it's still a good-bye that I'm not looking forward to. So, on that note-I covet your prayers. Please pray for her-she's got a big burden to bear and a lot of work to do, especially being pregnant! Pray for the transition to go smooth for the boys-they've been through a lot. Pray for Cath and her hubby Marcus-that they work together and enjoy making this new house their home. Pray that they get plugged in to a church community right away. I guess, just PRAY PRAY PRAY!!! I know that God is good, He is faithful, and He will provide-pray that she will trust in that too-help her to see the bigger picture and see that God has a plan. Pray for the rest of us that love them to be able to see that too! I'm going to miss you Cath! :(